Saturday, 21 December 2013


These are some of the new panels with the student's proposals, for now on begins the individual work, a lot of stuff and so much hard work to do!!!

Saturday, 14 December 2013


On Saturday December 14 the ESAYT has organized an interesting cultural event in Madrid. It's a pleasure to invite you to the lecture of Francesca Miazzo, director of the Urban Program "Cities" (Amsterdam) and author of international reference book "Farming the City". The presentation will focus on food production systems as a tool for urban regeneration, an emerging topic but with much potential for development. There are many examples and initiatives in cities like Amsterdam, New York, Tokyo or Stavanger.

Friday, 22 November 2013


Next class documentation corresponding to 50% of the course will be deliveredStudents must update each blog with just their individual work.

Thursday, 31 October 2013


Some images from the last model workshop...very useful for the students as an exploration tool!!!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Next class we'll focus on a model workshop and try at least 10 variations on each proposal. We can bring some drinks or even food for the models and celebrate an architectural party. I remember quite well models made with cheese or candy...but do not forget your cameras...they suddenly disappear!!!

Friday, 18 October 2013


Next class we'll talk about "Supercycles", take a look at this diagrams and try to associate each element of a column with all the rest!!!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Friday, 27 September 2013

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Nature is presented to us like a huge and continuous outer space, the place inhabited by primitive man. Dwelling the cave or tree, it means only the temporary appropriation of a previous infrastructure that exist apart from any function, scale or representation of the human being. As man builds his own structure, the origin of architecture as artifice, begins also a story of transitions between the living space and the outside: The architecture should be conceived as a set of clearly defined intermediate places. The interspace provides the common ground where conflicting polarities can be twin phenomena

Aldo van Eyck, Architectural Design 12, Vol. XXXII, 1962 December.

In this sense, transitions result an interesting topic for their great capacity for synthesis between antagonistic categories: natural-artificial / indoor-outdoor / free-programmed / walk-wander / property-dominion / housing-producing ...

Some transitions categories and study cases:

-Porosity: “Tokio housing”, Hiroshi Kuno, 2006.
-Connected interspaces: “casa Guzmán”, Alejandro de la Sota, 1972.
-Telescopic Nesting: “House N”, Oita, Sou Fujimoto, 2008.
-Nettings: “Santander Dwellings”, Alejandro de la Sota, 1967.
-Extreme natures: drawings by Junya Ishigami, 2008.
-Freaks & Mutations: City in Sky, Mu Wei; Sam Cho; Yu Hui, Wuhan (China), 2013. 


City as edible infraestructure.

“So the food situation is totally mad. The mindset seemed to be that cities are for people to live and work in and the countryside is for growing food. However, things are changing fast, […] planners and architects are starting to accord for food systems the same priority as transport or housing”.
John  Thackara, “Low Entropy Urbanism”, MEGACITIES,
010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2010

Keywords: food culture, food production, urban agriculture, urban design, water collection, research and educational programs, resources management, citizen initiatives, social cohesion, entertainment, creative business, healthy cooking, etc.

The development of all these urban strategies, designed through cartographies and geographical, urban, climatic, ecological or social maps, will lead to a new edible city concept: the geography of food.


Stavanger is the third largest urban zone and metropolitan area in Norway. Today the oil business is a key industry in the Stavanger region and the city is widely referred to as the Oil Capital of Norway. Stavanger East is currently undergoing an extensive urban transformation: nearly 600daa old industrial sites are gradually turning its status from being the city backyard to becoming a valuable resource supporting the urban growth and extension of the City of Stavanger. The east part of Stavanger which was one of the selected projects in the Ministry of Environment initiative generated a series of projects done in a collaborative partnership between the property owners which was manifested early in 2000 as a non-profit company called Urban Sjøfront.

The company has generated a progressive collaborative partnership between private and public sector, producing constructive and result oriented processes for how to realize the structural transformation of a run down district. Such development takes time and experiences frequently changes physically, judicially and mentally through new challenges and developed guidelines. These tendencies are similar processes found in other cities both nationally and internationally. Complex issues related to such urban transformations requires exchange of knowledge and experiences as a foundation for further strategies to be developed, processes and projects organized and methods to be used.


Now we know each calorie we eat needs ten for the process of production, processing, transport and food management. In many cities around the world, “Food Systems” start having the same consideration as transportation, housing or even the environment, in urban development matters: food and cities give shape one to another. The workshop presents an approach on food systems planning as contemporary urban development tool, by studying the special case of the Norwegian city of Stavanger.



On 2013 September 14 it began a new course of Architectural Design at ESAYT, UCJC, Madrid (Spain). Attached link to our Facebook group, stay tuned!

Monday, 27 May 2013


El jueves 30 de mayo estaremos en el Jury + Exposición de los trabajos de alumnos de la Esayt Ucjc, Madrid. Además de los profesores del claustro, participan como invitados Carme Pinós, Eduardo Arroyo, Geraint John y Max Risselada. A partir de las 15:00h en el salón de actos de LASEDE COAM, calle Hortaleza 63, 28004, Madrid. Os esperamos!

Thursday, 31 January 2013


Solo para los los alumnos y alumnas que no hayan superado el curso. 

El examen se realizará en el aula C-01 el día 2 de febrero de 2013, entre las 10.00 y las 14.00 horas. La documentación que cada alumno desee entregar se realizará exclusivamente en el recinto del aula durante las cuatro horas de duración de la prueba, y se recogerá sin ampliación posible a las 14.00 horas.

Se valorará más la propuesta de soluciones de los distintos aspectos que confluyen en el proyecto que la resolución completa de algún aspecto parcial del mismo. En este sentido se recomienda la utilización de las técnicas de representación tradicionales, que por su velocidad y versatilidad son más adecuadas para esbozar una respuesta a las distintas cuestiones planteadas en el examen. No se permite el empleo de PC ni el manejo de documentación especializada (libros, revistas, apuntes, etc.).

Se recomienda llevar papel copia o croquis tamaño DIN A3.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Enviadas por mail cartas personales a todos los alumnos y alumnas del primer semestre, calificación incluída, mucha suerte en la siguiente etapa!

Thursday, 17 January 2013


Siguiendo con el programa de la asignatura, la próxima clase tendrá lugar la Pre-entrega final de curso. El objetivo de esta sesión será comprobar el estado de toda la documentación de la entrega final y calibrar cuestiones de dibujo, maquetación y presentación general de las láminas. La documentación que debe integrar la entrega final constará de, al menos:

Exploración y análisis: mapas, diagramas, gradientes, tablas, programas, simulaciones, registros, mediciones, textos, bibliografías y en general toda la documentación generada y utilizada durante el curso. 
Desarrollo de Proyecto: planos de planta, alzado y sección E: 1/250 o 1/300; axonométricas constructivas y planos de montaje E: 1/50 y 1/20; imágenes del proceso, fotomontajes, infografías; croquis; memoria descriptiva y justificativa integrada en las láminas.
Taller: registro documental de maquetas (de ideas, de exploración, de detalle, parciales, etc.), siendo obligatoria la realización de una maqueta individual de conjunto E: 1/200 y color blanco. 

Formato: Láminas en papel A1 + CD con toda la documentación en ppt, pdf, jpg, avi, etc. 

Thursday, 3 January 2013


Docks (Cité de la Mode et du Design). Jakob + MacFarlane, 2008
Intervención sobre estructura de hormigón existente correspondiente a un antiguo almacén.
La próxima semana nos vamos a París! Se ha actualizado el mapa colaborativo incluyendo algunas obras recientes muy interesantes, también YA está disponible en Dropbox los horarios y rutas previstas para los días 11 y 12, es importante acudir al lugar de encuentro geolocalizado en el mapa y a la hora indicada. No olvidéis realzar las reservas necesarias para las visitas de grupo en los edificios que así lo requieran, el encargado de cada obra puede ir comentando esta entrada con el estado de sus gestiones. Durante nuestra estancia en París, ante cualquier retraso o incidencia, acudir a nuestro grupo de Facebook, donde actualizaremos constantemente la localización del grupo. Nos vemos el viernes 11 de enero (9:00h) en el acceso principal del Palais de Tokio, Lacaton & Vassal, no está nada mal para empezar!